Three Social Media Marketing Myths Busted

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Social media marketing has become such an integral component of a robust digital presence that it has naturally collected its fair share of myths over the last decade. Many of these myths have been disproven time and time again but as the social media landscape is naturally so fast paced, it can feel like an impossible task to keep on top of every new development.

Although social media shifts every single day, marketing professionals make it their mission to understand what is real and what is myth. After all, they simply wouldn’t be able to develop and implement an effective strategy without this knowledge.

Myth 1: It’s Important to Maintain a Presence on Every Social Platform

Just because it’s possible to reel off a seemingly never-ending list of social media platforms, doesn’t mean you need to join every single one of them. In fact, spreading yourself too thinly across myriad social sites will reduce the number of beneficial outcomes you are ultimately able to drive from your investment.

It can be beneficial to dip your toes in the water and try out a particular platform, but if it isn’t giving you the kind of results you want to see, there’s no point taking time away from the platforms that closely align with your brand, your audience, and your overall strategy.

Myth 2: Social Media is All About Conversation

Social media platforms are social spaces and conversation is important. But in addition to encouraging discussions, social media can also be an excellent tool for both organic traffic and lead generation.

Although sharing valuable content won’t always lead to an in-depth conversation, it could direct potential customers directly to your website and result in both conversion opportunities and direct sales. Don’t forget, almost 50% of Millennials and almost 55% of Gen Z [1] state that social media is their preferred place to view advertising content.

Myth 3: Aiming for Relatability on Social Media isn’t Advisable

Whenever you share something on social media, it needs to be clear that you have carefully considered your target audience. But it’s also important to remember there are real people behind your brand and audiences actively want to support businesses that have the relatability factor.

Our professional social media agency in Essex can help you to create the right tone of voice for your brand’s social media presence, which will help you to connect with your ideal audience. Even ultra-professional businesses can demonstrate some personality across socials, provided that it is pitched correctly and tailored to the right audience.

Looking for a Social Media Agency in Essex?

If you’re considering a social media agency in Essex, it is imperative to partner with a team that can demonstrate an inherent understanding of your brand and devise actionable, personalised strategies that will help you to connect with your ideal audience. The Pure Digital team are here and waiting to help.

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  1. […] Our professional social media agency in Essex can transform the fortunes of both your social strategy and your business.  […]

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